AI generated Product

AI generated Product description

Our cutting-edge AI technology continually analyzes customer feedback, identifies evolving trends, and recommends updates to ensure your e-commerce business description is always current and persuasive.
With over seven years of global e-commerce research experience, we bring unmatched expertise. Our team has collaborated with leading universities in the USA, England, and Singapore. We have transformed research into practical applications that revolutionize your knowledge on e-commerce journey.

Our Expertise

How it works?

Curious about how updated Product Description can transform your e-commerce experience? Let’s know about it:

Why choose us?

Are you ready to transform your e commerce business? The future of online sales starts here, with Dynamic Product Detail Page App.

Stay Ahead with Up-to Date Product Descriptions

Are you tired of seeing your sales decrease due to outdated product descriptions? Don't worry. We have got you covered. With our AI-driven solution, your product descriptions will always stay updated, captivating, and relevant to your customers.

Why Choose Dynamic Product Detail Page App?

AI-Powered Updates

Our state-of-the-art large language model tracks consumer preferences and automatically suggests updates to your product descriptions. There is no need to make manual updates. E-commerce business description generator gives you effortless maintenance.

Stay Competitive

In today's fast-growing e-commerce world, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. With Dynamic Product Detail Page App, you can maintain a competitive edge by ensuring your descriptions update with changing consumer trends.

Streamlined Process

Our platform simplifies the entire updating process. Easily accept or decline proposed updates for your dynamic products with just a click, saving you time and effort.

product description

YourCustomerWord – How Descripio optimizes your product description for more conversion

With our solution YourCustomerWord for Amazon, your product description on Amazon always remains up to date, adapted to changing customer needs and increases your conversion.


Analyzes hundreds of product reviews in secondsFormulates optimization suggestions for your Amazon product description

In a nutshell

Our state-of-the-art GenAI solution analyzes customer feedback, identifies evolving trends, and recommends updates to ensure your product descriptions on Amazon are always current and compelling – with minimal efforts.


Analysiert hunderte Produktbewertungen in SekundenFormuliert Optimierungsvorschläge für deine Amazon-ProduktbeschreibungNutzt neuste GenAI-Technologie für optimale ErgebnisseGeneriert transparente Optimierung für mehr Konversion


Unsere hochmoderne GenAI-Lösung analysiert Kundenfeedback, identifiziert auf diese Weise sich entwickelnde Trends und empfiehlt Aktualisierungen, um sicherzustellen, dass deine Produktbeschreibungen auf Amazon immer aktuell und überzeugend sind – und das mit minimalem Aufwand.

Your Added Value

Are you ready to transform your eCommerce business on Amazon? The future of your online sales on Amazon starts here with YourCustomerWord for Amazon. Stay ahead with YourCustomerWord for Amazon.

100% Compliance With Specific Amazon Regulations

Amazon is complex. Our solution is specifically designed to meet Amazon’s requirements and complex policies.

Time Savings Up To 80%

Simplifies the update process; Updates can be accepted or rejected with one click.

Cost Savings Of Up To 45%

Significantly reduces the efforts and costs of manual updates.

Increase Sales Figures By Up To 30%

Current and appealing descriptions lead to better rankings and higher conversion rates.

How It All Works?

Curious about how an updated product description can transform your e-commerce experience?

GenAI base

Deriving optimization suggestions

Perfect addition and easy to use

Data analysis of customer feedback based on GenAI

Scans hundreds of customer feedbacks, including ratings and comments, in seconds
analyzes which product features your Amazon customers value in your product.

Deriving optimization suggestions

  • Uses a variety of data to make optimization suggestions. For example: customer feedback, product features and descriptions, Amazon guidelines, best practices for product descriptions, and much more.
    Shows which product features are important for your customers but are totally not or not optimally included in your product description.
    Generates optimization suggestions for your Amazon product description to ensure that it is and remains current and appealing.
    Shows changing trends of your customers; Now different product features can be relevant to your customers than before.
    Takes into account Amazon regulations for product descriptions to increase visibility (SEO) and remain compliant.

Perfect addition and easy to use

Our solution

Our plugin is designed for simplicity and traceability, so you can easily review and approve proposed updates

Our Wealth Of Experience

With over seven years of experience in global e-commerce research, we have unrivaled expertise. Our team has worked with leading universities in the USA, England and Singapore. We’ve turned research into practical applications that will revolutionize your knowledge of the eCommerce journey.

Contact us